cy-blogging, feb 8th 2024
i made a blog section of my neocities! i hope to use it sometimes ! :}
i was strangely productive today.
i am very excited for pokemon day! its coming up on the 27th. i themed my tumblr around pokemon!
on the sidebar i used fanart someone did of archaludon , my boyfriend's favorite pokemon, in black and white's sprite style, along with shiny espeon, one of my favorites.
i also recolored a masquerain sprite from trozei to be cutesit and shiny, because masquerain is one of my favorite shinies and might become one of my favorite pokemon :} idk yet it might it might not
the boyfie and i have been speculating on whatll be in pokemon day for a while now, and we think based on the pokemon twitter posting the unova legendaries, thatll itll be Something to do with unova. and even if its not, we will buy it anyway xdxd.
i am hoping for a remake AND a legends game. some people say it might be a johto legends game though which would still fuck severely
people are also saying if its a remake itll be bad because of bdsp being shitty but i dont agree i think itll be good bc its unova
also been playing a lot of bee swarm simulator lately, though im taking a break rn as i had played for like an entire fortnight straight
i am working towards getting both a star treat with tickets for my tabby bee and a vicious bee with stingers, im so very close, but not there yet.
speaking of roblox, a friend of mine introduced me to a new roblox youtuber recently and i binge watched almost all his videos inbetween playing bee swarm, at night when i wasnt playing. that youtuber is remainings
i think hes funny and the people on roblox series is my favorite, in addition to the playing random roblox games
the fact hes about my age makes me think maybe one day i can make my own gameing youtube channel, when my voice is more fitting to myself. it sounds so bad rn.
i dont know how often ill use this blog feature, but i wanted to make an entry at the very least :}