Doodle World my beloved
(a shrine)
To start this off, let me preface with this : Pokemon has always been near and dear to my heart. I started playing the games at age seven or eight, I don't recall which. I was intrigued by the creatures, and have continued to play ever since. I've played at least one game from each generation, and I always keep up with the new releases. I LOVE Pokemon.
But this shrine isn't about Pokemon, as much as I love it. It's about another game, a game on Roblox, similar to it, but yet not the same. Doodle World.
Doodle World is a Pokeclone, similar to Loomian Legacy, another Roblox hosted Pokeclone. But I do not find Loomian Legacy as fondly as this one. Doodle World was introduced to me by my boyfriend, Harvey, as yet another Pokeclone. There are many on Roblox, and at one point there was even fangames of Pokemon itself!
Doodle World, however, sets itself apart from Pokemon in many ways. One being, the fact that it has 20 types, instead of the 18 of actual Pokemon. At first, the new types made it hard for me to play. Too many combinations to be had. But, I've come to enjoy them. even if I still have to look at the wiki for exact combination damage. haha
Haven't you ever wanted a Food type, a Crystal type, or a split off of Normal into Beast, Light, and Basic? Probably not, to be honest. But it's still fun anyway! Allows more designs to be implemented. Other interesting things about the typechart of Doodle World are that Fairy doesn't exist, and Ground and Rock are merged together. Though, I suppose Food is just Fairy in a new form.
Another way Doodle World sets itself apart from Pokemon is the THREE forms of shinies/customization of your Doodles, and endless combinations beyond that. While normal shinies do exist, called misprints in this game, there is also two other ways. There is tints, which can either be really nice, or really disgusting. It puts a gradient over your Doodle, ranging from a nice pink to an ugly puke green.
There is also skins, my most favorite form of customization for Doodles. Skins are equipable skins that you can obtain. Each Doodle has at least ONE skin, if not many more. I am sure you will find a skin you enjoy at some point! Each skin also has a misprint (shiny) variation. Tints can also stack on skins and misprints, which leads to a high-value Doodle. (Though, it could just be very ugly as well.)
Doodle World does have a story, and it does have human characters, but I am not really fond of any of the humans, though I suppose I like the travelling friendgroup you, the player, are in. I am in this game for the critters, not the normal-ass people. Though, I suppose I like Quincy anymore.
I do enjoy the story though. I think it triumphs Loomian Legacy's.
While the game is not complete yet, it is about halfway to completion, and updates rather frequently. It is currently on the fourth key (basically a gym badge or trial badge.) But inbetween story updates, you can hunt for whatever you please! (Provided it's in the wild at the time. Not every Doodle is obtainable yet, so you may have to try your luck at the roulette (a "gambling" wheel of every Doodle added to the game.)
Overall, I love to play and see the new updates to Doodle World. It makes me happy. :}
I am excited to see where the game goes, and I am very glad I was introduced to it.
My favorite Doodles and customizations I enjoy
Here are some of my favorite Doodles and Misprints/Skins that I like.
This is a Doodle I really want to obtain, but don't have the patience to chain for. MY BOYFRIEND GOT THE SKIN FOR ME, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH! I got the shiny itself from an event.
Misprint Taiyaki skin Jellupy.
A Doodle I DO have, and quite like, is misprint Exoskelis. I have one of these, courtesy of my boyfriend. I quite like its palette.
Another nice misprint. I have this one too! My first chained shiny!

For this one, I'm not sure if I prefer the misprint or the normal, hover over the normal to view the misprint! This is Octonut, but I prefer to call it its pre-evolution's name, which is Cocosquid. I feel it's a cuter name, huhuhu.
Gigarlic is one of my favorite Doodles, cute little pizza doggy. This skin was worth every gem I spent to get it in the premium shop. TBH/Yippee skin Gigarlic is very cute. I want to get a misprint version, even if I prefer the normal colors, if only because it is brown, like my IRL dog.
I do not particularly want this one, I wouldn't use it because I find the evolution not as cute, but I enjoy Dogfish skin Muttish. It reminds me of Bully from Squeeballs, right down to the colors! Squeeballs is another favorite game of mine, also introduced to me by my lovely boyfriend.