Dear, sweet, precious Fefetasprite (shrine)

Fefetasprite from Homestuck is one of my favorite characters. In this shrine i will be using they/them pronouns on them, rather than she/her, because that is what i associate them with in my brain, and this is my infodump.

Fefetasprite is a favorite character of mine, their design is one of my favorites of all time. Even if they do almost nothing within the story, and nothing important at all in the long run. (Though, they die in an explosion caused by their own distress, and have some implied and stated, but unseen, moments with Roxy, who then continues to mourn the loss of them later in completely unrelated conversations), they are one of my favorites on their design alone.

Despite never speaking a word, their design by itself sold me on them. They're just so cute, and also a funny little pun. (a literal Cat Fish, haha)

They're a cute, sweet, precious, little catfish princess. And i love them.

They're also a combination (a prototyped sprite, another favorite character type of mine from Homestuck) of Nepeta (one of my favorite characters in general) and Feferi (my zodiac troll, and another character i enjoy.) i also kin fefetasprite but thats not really important.

Fefetasprite was one of the first characters i tried to draw after not drawing art for a literal decade. I am very glad i chose to start drawing again, and glad that they are a cause of my rekindled love of creating art of many kinds.

In my brain i mentally pronounce their name as feta feta sprite because of a post someone made years ago calling them feta feta cheese sprite. It lives rentfree in my brain lol.

I have a tag of over 100 drawings of them on my tumblr, because i enjoy their character so much :}

Fefetasprite deserved way better by the narrative, and their appearance was rather short-lived, only lasting a few pages, but they will always be in my heart and occupy a space rentfree in my brain.

though, with them staying dead, davepetasprite^2 was created, but they will never compare to my original nepeta fusion favorite.

Here are some images i enjoy of them (sourced as linked images of course)

this ones by my boyfriend :}

god i wish i knew better html at this time id make this page so sexed up. theres always another time and another shrine