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Zamboni and Friends
Zambo Zamboni

- Abandoned Pet in a Box : Inverted trope. Zambo was abandoned as an infant due to being deformed and was found by Bambinky, who is not a person actually, being a beast.Unfortunately he was not adopted, and had to raise himself afterward.
- Alien Blood : His blood is pinkish, similar to his magic. No one knows why. Might be because of the insane amount of magic he has always active. His Other bodily fluids are also similarly pink, though lighter. Zilk anyone? Said blood also is very toxic, with immunity having to be built up to even be around him for extended periods of time, as are the other fluids.
- The Alcoholic : They like to drink a lot. Sometimes even bringing it to the children's parties they work at.
- Animal Motif : Bat, and also cat. His origin form is a bat dragon, and he has mannerisms of a cat on occasion. Matching with Sidney, who is a vampire bat.
- Armless Biped : He has no REAL arms. Not even the floaty hands standard to his species. Makes up with it with arms made of magic and strong magic abilities in general.
- Artificial Hybrid : Somehow, with his magic, made himself into a weird hybrid of traits of bamboids, his original species, humans, cats, and bats. Don't ask how. He doesn't know either.
- Artificial Limbs : They have magically created fake arms.
- Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny! - Often changes the subject he was talking about on a fucking whim.
- Bizarre Alien Reproduction : His self-made subspecies can create other zambonis/zamboni babies via parthenogenesis.
- Bizarre Taste in Food : Likes to combine his medications with food. It's not good to anybody but him. Also enjoys the concoctions Bibo creates.
- Boy Meets Ghoul : Happily married to his husband, who is a vampire human, while he is simply a little Bambilet.
- Camp Gay : Sort of. He is somewhat flamboyant, with the high-heels, cape, and bowtie.
- Charlie Brown Baldness : He has one single hair under his hat. Baby hair.
- Color Motif : Pink. The hot pink of his boots and cape, in addition to his magic.
- Dark and Troubled Past : Lots of it. Abandoned shortly after being born by his parents, being born on April 20th, being bullied in school for having no hands and also being queer, leading to bottling his emotions so much that he feels he can't feel properally anymore.
- Happily Married : To Sidney. They've been married about thirteen years.
- Homosexual Reproduction : Has a blood magically created baby with his husband.
- I'm a Humanitarian : He and Sidney often slaughter Bambi Minions for food, not all that uncommon considering almost all the meat in the 3D world comes from them.
- Interspecies Romance : Notably, the only one of these fuckers to have a relationship with a human rather than one of their own species.
- Honorary Uncle : To Thinbi. Thinbi calls him Uncle sometimes, but Sidney doesn't get this title, only him.
- Likeable Villain : If being the "fans'" favorite means anything. He's very sympathetically written.
- Magicians Are Wizards : He's a stage magician as his job, in a species that doesn't really dabble in magic normally. Except he actually has learned magical abilities.
- Mind Control Eyes : Their eyes are a result of them mind controlling people, Including himself. He mind controls himself to feign being Mentally Stable, and as a form of self-harm.
- Mister Seahorse : Justified, being a transgender man, but sometimes suffers from fucked up asexual parthenogenesis regardless, usually Played for Laughs, not seriously.
- Narcissist : Obsessed with being the best and strongest there is, yet only like this because really he despises himself and wishes he were stronger and more able to be himself.
- One Head Taller : He's about a head shorter than his husband.
- Outlaw Couple : With Sidney. They kill denizens of the void together. For food. And because it's fun.
- Parental Abandonment : Zambo's fathers abandoned him almost as soon as he was born. In a wet cardboard box. All alone.
- Parental Substitute : To Thinbi. He doesn't know this. He thinks he's just really friendly to him for no reason.
- Psycho Pink : He is very craxy and pretty dangerous if you aren't one of his few friends.
- Rescue Romance : His husband revived him in the past, after being hit by a car and fucking dying, became smitten, and courted him.
- Screw Yourself : Believes he's also in love with himself, and that he would "go fuck himself" in a misinterpreted way of wishing he was a better person. If he were ever to meet himself somehow, he would despise them. His hallucinatory demons/tulpas based on himself are Also in a relationship in his brain.
- Shock and Awe : His magic is made from electricity, basically. Feels like it, too!
- Species Surname : Zambo's lastname became the sub-species name for his offspring and their offspring and their offspring and so on and on.
- Spiked Blood : Zambo's blood is almost always alcoholic, due to his frequent drinking. Sidney can taste when it is, but it's more obvious to him when it isn't!
- Tears of Blood : Sort of. He cries black sludge.
- Truly Single Parent : In addition to having a biological child via Homosexual Reproduction (which also qualifies as Bizarre Alien Reproduction), he has 5 Zamblets (3 living), mini clones of himself made via magically induced parthenogenesis. He also has made a clam, and an actual Spongebob nematode, created accidentally via manifestation, while watching said show.
- Voluntary Vampire Victim : He is Sidney's only source of blood. He cringes when bit, though enjoys it too.
Sidney Pyre

- Animal Motifs : Bats. Vampire bats specifically. Can manifest vampire bat wings from his, hood thing.
- Bite of Affection : He LOVES to bite his darling husband. Both to feed and just because it's fun!
- Black Blood : His blood color is a much much darker red, and the blood oozing from his missing eye is pure black.
- Cape Wings : His hood thing can turn into vampire bat wings.
- Color Motif : Purple. His scarf and hood things are purple.
- Cute Little Fangs : Can show off retractable fangs. Very cute.
- Cyclops : Sort of? Played with. He is missing an eye from gouging it out in a psychotic fit years prior.
- Dark and Troubled Past : Ran away from his family because they did NOT accept him being queer, to say the least. Also lost his left eye to a psychotic episode.
- Guyliner : Has very noticeable eyelashes. Whore eyelashes. That's not a trope yet.
- Happily Married : To Zambo.
- Hiding Behind Your Bangs : Has hair covering his gouged out eye. There's always black blood leaking from under it.
- Homosexual Reproduction : Has a blood magically created baby with his husband.
- Interspecies Romance : Notably, the only one of any of these characters to be dating, let alone married to, someone other than their own species.
- Necromancer : Can revive people with learned Blood Magic. Used this on Zambo years prior to save him from dying. His inuniverse Twitter handle is also neckromancer.
- One Head Taller : He's about exactly a head taller than Zambo.
- Outlaw Couple : With Zambo. They kill the denizens of the void together. For food for their family. And because it's fun!
- Pretty Boy : Look at how he dresses and looks and tell me he isn't.
- Religious Vampire : While he's not anymore, he comes from a family of them. They don't like him because he's queer.
- Rescue Romance : Revived Zambo years prior, for no real reason, and became smitten with him.
- Romantic Vampire Boy : Vampire love interest of Zambo. Married to them.
- The Runaway : Sidney ran away from his abusive transphobic parents. And also got replaced by a younger sister near instantly.
- Tears of Blood : Cries black sludge from his missing eye. Cries normal tears from the eye that's left.
- Textile Work Is Feminine : He may be a pretty boy, but he is not a woman. Inverted trope.

- Animal Motif : Generic carnivoran mammal pet. Mainly cats and dogs, maybe a ferret because they're long and skinny like him. He resembles a little animal with a bow on its neck (can you believe that's not a trope on its own?)
- Best Friend : Of many, but self proclaimed Best Friend of Zambo.
- Big Eater : He eats a lot of food, and will TRY just about anything. Strangely never gets fat. Ever. Maybe it's the name?
- Cloudcuckoolander : EXTREMELY. Despite having the same exact upbringing as Zambo, though arguably worse due to Thinbi being obliviously a deity, which in Zambo's case, is a Dark and Tragic Past, but Thinbi is so cheerful and oblivious to things happening to him that he literally does not care that he was abandoned as a child and left in a box by himself. Also his mind can be described as brain empty, no thought.
- Color Motif : Red. His shirt is red, as is his icon.
- Comically Cross-Eyed : Kinda? His eyes are often depicted as crossed and very derpy eyes.
- Divine Date: He's Bibo's fiance, and it turns out that he is a minor deity, being the embodiment of silliness.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin : He is skinny. His name is very obvious.
- Feel No Pain : He cannot feel pain, whatsoever. Though sometimes, he gets a bit annoyed.
- Happily Adopted : Thinbi was adopted by Bambug and Bambox when he was younger, though not a baby. He is very happy with his dads, though thinks they are sometimes a bit much.
- Happily Married : He's married to Bibo. They are very happy together.
- Honorary Uncle : Zambo and Sidney's children call Thinbi their uncle. Likewise, Zambo is an honorary uncle to Thinbi, being addressed as such by him. Though, secretly he views him as more of a father.
- Never Gets Fat : He just never seems to look more fat than he always is. Skinny loser.
- Nice Guy : Definitely. He's incredibly nice to everyone he meets. He tries befriending nearly everyone he contacts with.
- Nigh-Invulnerability : He is impervious to physical harm. He cannot be harmed at all, except emotionally. This isn't very useful because no one has ever tried to kill or fight him. Also if you WERE to try to kill him, he would not be damaged, and if he was squashed in particular he would pop back up like bread.
- Noodle Person : He is very very skinny and tall. Compared to everyone else.
- Official Couple : With Bibo.
- Parental Abandonment : Like Zambo, Thinbi was abandoned a few days after being born. Unlike Zambo, he literally does not care.
- Self-Duplication : He can clone himself if he so desires, though the clones usually don't have much sapience, sentience, or even thoughts at all.
- Sweet Tooth : He likes to eat sweet and carby food the most.
- Toon : He is the embodiment of silliness, after all.
- Toon Physics : He can move around and act like a cartoony creature. Also he would just be completely fine if something happened to him that would injure another person.
- Unusual Pets for Unusual People : Thinbi has a pet clam. And a nematode. They're technically Zambo's offspring, in some weird manifestation mess.
- White Gloves : Like the one mouse. Cartoony gloves. He's a Cartoon.
- Youthful Freckles : He has them on his face. He looks babyfaced as fuck because of it. Lololol.

- Animal Motif : Goats. He will eat almost anything, and his origin form is a goat taur. Also Gulpin Pokemon, he acts like it.
- Big Eater - He likes to eat a lot like Thinbi, and cook a lot too! Though his tastes are quite... bizarre.
- Bizarre Taste in Food : He likes to combine things that really shouldn't be together. Like tomato sauce and ice cream.
- Color Motif : Blue. His eventual icon will be blue, his shirt is several blues, and the bow he gifted to Thinbi is his color too.
- Extreme Omnivore : Bibo likes to eat things, anything, including things that would be considered repulsive to others, like toothpaste on mac and cheese. He's similar to Zambo in that regard.
- Happily Married : Proposed to Thinbi and they are engaged to be married.
- Nice Guy - He's just a nice guy to be around. He isn't a dick like the majority of the cast.
- Non-Ironic Clown : After giving up on comedy, he goes to the equivalent of clown college to become a full on clown for birthday parties, inspired by his "uncle-in-law", Zambo, the birthday magician.
- Official Couple : With Thinbi.
- White Gloves: Like Thinbi, he is always wearing white gloves.

- Acrophobic Bird : Despite knowing HOW to fly, and it being a standard ability of his species, Bambox is deathly afraid of heights and flying.
- Color Motif : Orange, and also red. His turtleneck and hat brim are orange, while his bandana and gloves are red.
- Common Law Marriage- With Bambug. They live together, and have for years, have two adopted children together, yet never bothered to get legally married for reasons unknown to even me.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass : He is, not the smartest guy. He's an Himbo even, if you will. But he is incredibly powerful in battle, though always seems to come short of winning to his archrival.
- Dads Can't Cook : Inverted. Bambox cooks way way better than Bambug, with him taking over the majority of the meals.
- Dumb Jock : As a mirror to Bambrute's Jerk Jock, Bambox is a dumb jock. He is not the smartest. Most of the smartness between him and his boyfriend comes from Bambug, who has only about 7 braincells anyway.
- Feuding Families : They and their partner Bambug, though unknownst to Zambo and Sidney, detest Zambo and Sidney and their spawn. Little do they known their son and THEIR son are dating in secret. (They feel Thinbi was heavily wronged by Zambo in particular.)
- Handwraps of Awesome : He has bandaged hands underneath those gloves.
- Helicopter Parents : Along with Bambug, he is trying to be way way too involved in Thinbi in particular's life, it being his biggest flaw. He and Bambug often gossip about how much they hate his choices of friends and sometimes, partner.
- Ideal Hero : As if as a foil to Bambrute and Zambo, and maybe even Bambug itself, Bambox is one who fights because he thinks it's honorable to, never mistreating his opponents and rivals, and because he thinks it's right, not because he likes to (unlike Bambrute) or because he is "evil" (unlike Zambo). Though most of the time he's just boxing because it's his job, though he will take up fighting meanies if he sees them.
- Lovable Jock : He's nice to nearly everyone he meets and tries to comfort them, in addition to being a dad friend.
- Nice Guy : He's nice and friendly! He has only a few people he dislikes, being Zambo and Bambrute.
- Official Couple : With Bambug, with them being married in every way except by name. They have two adopted kids.
- Red Boxing Gloves : He has them! The red boxing gloves.
- Screams Like a Little Girl : He shrieks at anything that startles him. Be it jumpscares in video games, said jumpscare characters just existing, or anything he thinks is Scary.
- Trademark Favorite Food : Sloppy joe. :}
- Wound That Will Not Heal : His shiner never seems to go away. (Word of God says it's because he looks naked without it.) I guess the top surgery scars also apply?

- Alien Blood : Bambug has blue blood. Just because it's cool.
- Animal Motif : Stag beetle. Literally. Particularly the Dorcus paralellus genus.
- Ax-Crazy: Bambug has tried time and time again to kill Bambert, the object of its detestation, but he just. WON'T. DIE. It has driven him insane. He also threatens other people, sometimes with knives, who "wrong" his lover and their two sons.
- Cat Smile : His mouth resembles a cat smile, for no reason other than its cute.
- Color Motif : Cerulean. His sweater and crocs are cerulean.
- Common Law Marriage - With Bambox. They live together, and have for years, have two adopted children together, yet never bothered to get legally married for reasons unknown to even me.
- Cute and Psycho - He is rather cute physically, with his cat smile and all, and can be rather nice, but also has a very insane crazy mason side to him.
- Dork in a Sweater : He has a sweater and looks absolutely adorkable in it.
- Exotic Eye Designs : Bambug has way funkier eyes compared to the other guys, even having sclera.
- Feuding Families : It and its partner Bambox, though unknownst to Zambo and Sidney, detest Zambo and Sidney and their spawn. Little do they known their son and THEIR son are dating in secret. (They feel Thinbi was heavily wronged by Zambo in particular.)
- Helicopter Parent : With Bambox, he is rather involved in Thinbi's life, though not so much with their other son, with him bitching constantly about Zambo and Sidney being around their precious baby boy. Though, since Thinbi moved closer to them, it hasn't had as much control.
- Insectoid Alien : Vaguely? Its buglike rather than generic humanoidlike. And if he were more humanized, he'd be even more buglike.
- Knight in Shining Armor : Likes to think of itself as such. Will drop everything to defend the ones he loves, even if it'd result in his death.
- Monstrous Mandibles: At the top of its head are some sicknasty mandibles. He can use them to eat.
- Official Couple : With Bambox. They have two adopted kids.
- Sizeshifter: Bambug can sizeshift, but is not as skilled as his son, Bamsi, who to be fair, is a literal god.
- Taser Tag Weakness : VERY VERY EXTREMELY WEAK to electricity. Never let it fight Zambo, it'll die trying.
- Trademark Favorite Food : Fruit, of all sorts, notably apples. Also enjoys meat. (He likes to eat Bambox's burgers.)
- Vertebrate with Extra Limbs : He has two more hands than he's supposed to. Beetle moment.
- Unknown Rival : To Bambert. Bambert has literally no idea Bambug wants his head on a pike.
- Winged Humanoid : Has a set of beetle wings. Can fly with them.
- Yandere: Implied, I guess? It's stated outright, but it will attempt to threaten or harm anyone who it believes has wronged it or people it loves. It also has "killed" Bambert, who it detests due to "wronging" Bambox, only for him to "get better."

- Acrophobic Bird : Like Bambox, he's afraid of flying, because he weighs so little he will just Blow Away, despite knowing how, it being innate to his species. He prefers to Walk everywhere.
- Animal Motif : Rabbit. He's a pathetic little creature who can easily be killed, in addition to having other mannerisms of a rabbit.
- Awful Wedded Life : Played with. He actually really loves his wife, but argue near constantly with them because they think it's fun and also part of their fucked up ideal of romance. He also gets enjoyment out of arguing in front of people.
- Beady-Eyed Loser : Under those glasses are tiny pinpoint eyes. And he sure is a loser!
- The Chew Toy : Often depicted being mutilated by Bambrute. He loves it!
- Color Motif : Green. The olive green of his shirt. Arguably, the tan he wears too.
- Eye Glasses : His glasses serve AS his eyes.
- Gosh Dang It to Heck! : Bambert doesn't like to swear. He has to be very very very angry to swear, and even then it usually won't get harsher than a shit! He does not like to say Fuck.
- Happily Married : To Bambrute, the divorcecoreness of their relationship is just part of their dynamic.
- Healing Factor : He can heal from injuries, and even death, very quickly. He still feels pain though, but he relishes it.
- In Love with Your Carnage : Bambert falls in love (among other things) with people because he senses they can absolutely destroy him.
- The Masochism Tango : Bambert greatly enjoys being mutilated and his wife, Bambrute, oblidges. He also enjoys the arguments they get into.
- Nerd : He looks of one. And acts of one.
- Nerd Glasses : He has big glasses. And he is a nerd.
- Nightmare Fetishist : Bambert enjoys being squished, ripped in half, bleeding from the head, and it goes on and on and on and it does not stop.
- Pathetically Weak : He is able to be blown away by the wind, he is so weak.
- Resurrective Immortality : He cannot stay dead, he just "Gets Better". This is good because his wife likes to use him as a literal chew toy, among other things.
- Slap-Slap-Kiss : He and Bambrute are the thesis of this. Most all of their arguments end in them kissing.
- Stereotypical Nerd : FUCKING LOOK AT HIM. Though, he prefers sports to typical nerdy hobbies.
- Stuffed into a Locker : This happened to him a few times as a teenager. By a few, I mean many.

- Ambiguous Gender : She identifies explicitly as agender and genderfluid, but no one knows which way she leans besides herself and her husband. They enjoy feminine nouns and pronouns, like she, wife and girlfriend, but also identify as a gay man and a bear, and they have a little husband who they adore.
- Ambiguous Gender Identity : Played with. They identify explicitly as agender and genderfluid and transfem, but no one but them and Bambert know what way they lean primarily. To make matters worse, some days they prefer masculine nouns, in contrast to their usual feminine choices.
- Animal Motif : Bear, more specifically polar bear. The meanest and the most brutal of the bears. Also played with, because they resemble a bear, the other type.
- Awful Wedded Life : Played with. They actually really love their husband, but argue near constantly with him because they think it's fun and also part of their fucked up ideal of romance.
- The Bully : Before getting their role as a boxer, they were a severe bully to their peers, and even to their other opponents nowadays. Bambox is their favorite to pick on.
- Color Motif : Blue. Their boxing gloves are a dark blue. Arguably gold too, the color of victory, and the color of their many trinkets.
- Delinquent Hair : Look at their hair. Look at how they act. Need I go on?
- Handwraps of Awesome : They have bloodied bandages under their Blue Boxing Gloves. Bloodied to contrast with Bambox's clean ones.
- Happily Married : To Bambert, despite appearing divorcecore and acting the part.
- Jerkass : Crude, rude, mean, brutal, the list goes on and on. The only person that has an ounce of their care and love is Bambert.
- Jerk Jock : As a mirror image to Bambox, Bambrute plays the role of a Jerk Jock. They're awfully crude, rude, and mean.
- NO INDOOR VOICE : Bambrute is always incredibly loud, often screaming. Her dialogue is always written in caps, even when whispering.
- The Masochism Tango : Their husband, Bambert, greatly enjoys being hurt and nearly killed. They oblidge by mutilating him, and also arguing with him, which he enjoys as well.
- Red Boxing Gloves : Averted. They have BLUE boxing gloves, to contrast with their archrival's red ones.
- The Rival : To Bambox. They are his archrival, and always one step ahead of him in the ring. They always win, and he always loses.
- Scary Teeth : She has like, shark teeth.
- Slap-Slap-Kiss : Their entire relationship with Bambert when arguing is this.
- The Smurfette Principle : She's the only woman/woman adjacent in the main cast.
- Violently Protective Girlfriend : They WILL get violent and maim whoever does so much as insults Bambert.
- White Hair, Black Heart : The blackest of hearts, they have not a single care for anyone who exists in their vicinity, save for one pathetic little man.
Murder Mania

- Evil Smells Bad : Blight smells really awful, due to being full of poisons.
- Gotta Kill Them All : Blight has a very long list of people for its subordinates to kill, not just targets for reasons that benefit it, even people who simply Annoy it.
- Hair-Trigger Temper : EVERYTHING ever can set them off. Even a pin dropping could be cause for a fit of anger for them.
- It's Personal : After Murki ditched his Company for his new "boyfriend", Blight decided to forgo the other people on his list and just go after him. Forever and ever. As long as it takes. >Not even hell itself will stop them.
- Mad Bomber : They carry a variety of toxic chemicals with them, in addition to just having poison magic, and some of them are explosive. Combined with the fact that they have a Hair-Trigger Temper, this is cause for concern.
- Master Poisoner : In addition to having generic Poison Magic, they are an expert on various types of toxins.
- NO INDOOR VOICE : Blight is always incredibly loud. Its dialogue is written in all caps, even.
- Plague Doctor : He dresses as one, but isn't actually one. He just thinks they look cool. Though, he does like to poison people, which is sort of a plague.
- Taking You with Me : Blight tries to take out Murki once and for all by exploding both of them with explosive chemical bombs. It fails, as Machi wakes up from being incapitated and takes the detonator with his ferrokinesis.

- Badass Longcoat : Their default form is a trenchcoat, and they kick ass in it and out of it, when shapeshifted.
- Cannot Kill Their Loved Ones : Murki let a crush on some guy he was hired to spy on ruin his life, his career, and completely threw everything away to run away with him. He cannot kill him, even if he was forced to, he would rather die than kill Machi.
- Character Tics : They clench their fists when slightly annoyed, or really annoyed. Its unconcious, really.
- Eyes Are Mental : Even though he can change everything else about his body, even giving himself a visible mouth, when shapeshifting, he cannot change his eyes. They always remain.
- Friendly War : Murki and Machi like to spar for fun, but nobody gets hurt, severely, at least.
- Heel–Face Turn : Sorta? He goes from being an assassin to being a runaway, all because he fell in love with some funny guy.
- Heterosexual Life-Partners : He and Machi are literally legally married, but both of them are convinced that the other is not interested in the other. They ran away together, live together, literally got legally married for text benefits, but each of them is convinced they are just GOod Friends.
- Professional Killer : They were an assassin for years upon years in Blight's Company, the best he had. Many kills were done by them in particular.
- Retired Outlaw : Murki is basically retired from being an assassin, having settled down with Machi. Though, he still retains his skills and will kill people if needed, or if they significantly bother Machi, or him.
- Shapeshifter Default Form : His default form is that kiwi looking outfit.
- Shapeshifting Excludes Clothing : Subverted. His clothes change as he changes.
- Stalker with a Crush : Double Subverted? While spying on Machi for his job, he started to crush on him. This leads to a whole string of events which end in the two of them living together in the middle of the desert.
- Starting a New Life : Murki and Machi, after killing Blight, have settled down in the middle of the 3D world desert.
- Technically Naked Shapeshifter : Their clothes are actually part of them, though they can take them off if they want. It's very advanced shapeshifting, you see.
- Twice Shy : Murki and Machi are in this weird mess where both of them refuse to admit their feelings for each other yet still act on them. They think its a game at this point, and basically play gay chicken.
- The Quiet One : Murki uses ellipses a lot, and doesn't talk very much, but is very drawling when he does. He talks a lot more with Machi, when they're alone together, though.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting : They can shapeshift their body to whatever they want, including removable clothes, save the eyes. It was often used during assassination missions, but now is mostly used to dick around with Machi.

- Assassination Attempt : He lost his left hand due to one of these, predating Murki's failed attempt. He lost his heirship to the fortune to another, having chosen to run away with his new friend.
- Artificial Limbs : He has a left hand prosthesis created by metal magic.
- Extra-ore-dinary : His most blatant power is ferrokinesis, mostly used to manifest his missing hand, but which especially came in handy during Blight's attempt to kill both him and Murki.
- Friendly War : He and Murki like to spar for fun, including breaking chairs over each others heads.
- Heterosexual Life-Partners : Machi is legally married to Murki, and they live together in the middle of nowhere, yet the two of them just find each other as friends. Despite being in love with each other, neither of them will speak their true feelings.
- Playing with Fire : Machi can manifest fire from his remaining hand, and also literally Burns Up when embarassed or flustered. It's not fatal, of course.
- Plucky Comic Relief : Machi often cracks jokes, even in inappropriate places. Suckled from the same bromance teat, is one of his favorites he's ever done.
- Starting a New Life : Machi ran away from his home with Murki as outlaws, basically, but then after some guy's painful demise, they settle down in the middle of the desert together.
- Too Dumb to Live : Instead of reporting Murki to the police or something for threatening his life and failing to kill him, Machi decided to run away with him and live with him. What a fool.
- Twice Shy : He's playing gay chicken with Murki, basically. Both of them mutually pine for each other, yet neither will speak their word.
- Unaffected by Spice : Machi likes to eat spicy food, mostly spicy chips, yet doesn't have any effects from it whatsoever. Mostly able to do this due to his fire powers.
Sillies and Science
Stuart D'sese

- Back-Alley Doctor : While he does have a degree in virology, he doesn't actually have a Normal medical doctorate, but works at the hospital sometimes anyway.
- Camp Gay : He's gay, decks himself in pink, and has cunty eyelashes. Can you argue with that?
- Even the Guys Want Him : He looks so nice and acts so alluring that even straight men, like Gago, eventually turn head over heels for him.
- Mad Doctor : In addition to doing Mad Science on people who signed up to be tested on with viruses, he uses his abilities to put together dead people's bodies in ways they shouldn't go, making horrific monsters. And tries to bring them to life.
- Mad Scientist : He makes monsters with the corpses he stole from the morgue. He also tests viruses on real living people, just to see how they react to them. He lacks most medical ethics.
- Maker of Monsters : He tries creating living abominations from the parts he gets from the morgue in his basement/"lab". Only one attempt has been successful, though.
- New Job as the Plot Demands : Depending on what he's needed for in the medical field, he has that job. But normally he's just a virology and mad scientist.
- Really Gets Around : Before dating Gago, he was a male whore, ok? In multiple ways, even.
- STD Immunity : I'm not sure what category to put this as, but he DOES get STDs, he just cures them incredibly quickly, because he's That skilled of a virologist. Including HIV, he has the cure for it, he just refuses to release it.
- The Sociopath : He is vaguely sociopathic, though he does feel emotions. He doesn't have any qualms with testing viruses on people, or killing them with viruses, nor putting body parts together in his basement/"lab". He also didn't feel Anything besides lust for every single man he got with, besides his latest fling, who became his one and only partner.
- Unusual Pets for Unusual People : Stuart has a pet that is a mixture of several corpses, and it acts like a dog.

- Artificial Limbs : Gago has robotic pointy legs, similar to Dave of classic DNB. He also swaps them out for more true to life ones when he wants to walk around, but prefers his chair because he also has chronic pain.
- Childhood Friends : He and Bobo have been friends for as long as they can remember, dating back to schooling times.
- Colorblind Confusion : Though it's rather minor, Gago sees everything in black, white, and shades of gray. He can't see color, and often says things like that's such a beautiful shade of gray, when really, it isn't.
- Comically Cross-Eyed : Gago has crossed eyes, and is a comedian.
- Conjoined Eyes : HIs eyes are conjoined together.
- Heterosexual Life-Partners : He used to do everything with Bobo, minus go on dates with him, that was his wife's job, but now mostly relegates it to working with him and going to lunch with him.
- If It's You, It's Okay : Gago is entirely straight. Except… for that one man he met and encountered that fateful day. They're dating now.
- Love Makes You Dumb : He doesn't seem to find any issues with Stuart, despite the red flags being that he creates beasts in his basement, has one as a dog, and tests viruses on PEOPLE.
- Slapstick : He beats up his partner in his slapstick show for his job, giving him Amusing Injuries, that don't last.
- Stock Sound Effects : He emits these when its fitting to.
- Swiss-Army Appendage : Downplayed. He has only two sets of limbs, and they require help from others to be put on. This assisting used to be Bobo's job, but now is mostly Stuart's.
- Symbol Swearing : He swears in symbols, even in written form, not just visual.
- Toon : He talks like a puppet, emits cartoon sound effects when its fitting, swears in symbols, and sees everything in black and white.
- White Gloves : He has the stock cartoon character gloves. This inspired Bibo to start wearing them himself.

- Childhood Friends : Gago's been his friend since early schooling times, yet it seems they are slowly growing apart.
- Divine Date : He is immortal, knowing of it, and married to a mortal woman. This will end well!
- Drowning My Sorrows : He's incredibly depressed about the fact that he will outlive every single person he knows, and drinks frequently to cope with it. He also drinks to get over the fact that his best friend since childhood is slowly growing apart from him, and there's not much he can do about it.
- Happily Married : He is happily married to his wife, Daisy.
- Heterosexual Life-Partners : Gago is his best friend, and they've been best friends as long as the two of them can remember. They used to do everything together, but ever since Gago started dated that whore, they are slowly growing apart.
- Interspecies Friendship : He is best friends with Gago, and has been as long as he can remember, who is a human, and he very much is not.
- Interspecies Romance : He is married to a human, despite being a bamboid.
- Older Than They Look : Bobo looks like a toddler, but is actually in his fifties. Poor guy gets stopped at the bar all the time.
- Slapstick : He is part of a slapstick show, afterall.
- Sliding Scale of Silliness vs. Seriousness : Despite being rather silly on his show, in actuality, he is rather serious. Usually, outside of his show, he is incredibly, incredibly serious about just about everything.
- Squirting Flower Gag : His flower can squirt water, and this is often used to get back at Gago hitting him in their show.
- The Alcoholic : He likes to drink, a lot, and is often at the bar. He does this to Drown His Sorrows coping with the fact that he will outlive every single person he loves, and even those he hates, as he has immortal blood. He also does it to avoid the fact that he's growing apart from his Childhood Friend.
- Vocal Dissonance : He sounds nothing like how he does on TV. He puts a squeaky voice on for his show, but actually sounds rather deep and gruff.
The Motley Crew

- Alien Blood : He bleeds a purple sludge. It seems to have intoxicating powers if injested or injected into you. ALL its fluids are that, and it makes up most of its true form's body.
- Ax-Crazy : Bambinky likes to kill!
- Blob Monster : Its true form is a glob of purple ooze, mixed with a dragon. It can also turn into a FULL blob if it so desires.
- Blue-and-Orange Morality : Bambinky seems to not really regard anything about anything unless it benefits him, and will often do insane things for no real reason. Morals don't make sense to him at all, due to him not being a bamboid, a 3D being, a human, or anything of normal sapience/sentience. It is a being not of that world. [
- Burger Fool : Works at various fast food places, to his dismay, and some depression.
- Color Motif : Purple. Ok?
- Does Not Like Spam : It HATES eating anything that's been "tained with Zamboni toxins", aka been around Zambo long enough that it smells like him. To be fair, Zambo's fluids ARE toxic.
- Elemental Shapeshifter : Being made from solely the purple goop sludge and nothing else besides differently pigmented pieces of "flesh", it can turn entirely into its sludge form, if it wants to. It can use this transformation to "swim" places.
- Eldritch Abomination : At least for its universe, Bambinky is the equivalent of an eldritch abomination, being a 4D being in a 3D world. It doesn't really understand "humanity" too much, acting much more like an animal than any person should, and being fully animalistic in its true form.
- Emotionless Reptile : Its true form is a dragon, and it feels almost no emotions besides ones vital for animals, like anger, and sometimes fear.
- Functional Addict : Despite constantly partaking in vices, Bambinky doesn't ever seem to be affected by them at his jobs. This is because his fluids, and makeup, are already addictive and high causing to him, he's just used to it.
- I'm a Humanitarian : It eats Bambi Minions, and just about anything that is alive, besides plants, but to it, they are just food. They aren't PEOPLE, or anything really, to him.
- Mimic Species : It mimics Bambi Minions, a subset of bamboids, to prey on them and eat them and other members of the bamboid species.
- New Job as the Plot Demands : While always working at some sort of restaurant, he seems to work wherever he is needed for the joke or piece.
- Nightmare Face : His normal face can qualify as it, being very.. Unlike other bamboids. Sometimes his face melts like an ice cream pop too, usually under stress. But it's just Harmless Liquefaction, with no real damage to him.
- No Biological Sex : Bambinky lacks a gender, biological sex, or whatever the fuck you want to call it. He's genderless, ok?
- Non-Human Non-Binary : Bambinky is genderless, not too abnormal for a bamboid, however. He presents masculinely as a default though, with maleness being the first thing he learned about gender. He isn't a bamboid in actuality, being a 4D being.
- Our Dragons Are Different : Its true form is a dragon made of purple slutch. Said slutch has intoxicating properties, and can change color to be whatever it wants it to be.
- Resurrective Immortality : Bambinky is unable to fully be killed, with the only way to incapacitate him being to knock him out. He will just revive, like a phoenix, though in a VERY specific process. His previous body drips the purple ooze he contains inside him, and pools away and then reforms into him, popping up from the sludge.
- Single Specimen Species : Bambinky is the only one of his species of whatever the fuck that they are. Lean dragon, I guess? He's a higher being than the rest of his world, being one of the 4D beings that leaked in through the vastness of ocean-space.
- The Sociopath - Bambinky doesn't view anyone but himself as people, or anything really. Not hard for a nonperson to do, considering its an eldritch entity in actuality.
- Trademark Favorite Food : Bambinky's favorite food is Bambi Minion meat. Not too unusual for an inhabitant of the 3D world, until you realise it likes them Fresh.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting : He can shapeshift to whatever he wants, but usually chooses to be a Bambi Minion, due to preying mostly on bamboids.
- What Is This Feeling? : Bambinky gets jobs at places he despises just to FEEL things. Usually anger. Almost always anger.
- What Is This Thing You Call "Love"? : He is incapable of romance, sexual attraction, familial love, etc, you name it, with the only relationship he understands being friendship. He calls EVERY relationship, no matter how explicit it is, a friendship. This is obviously due to him being basically a eldritch being in a common man's clothing.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes? : He is deathly afraid of manholes, and drains, such as shower drains, sink drains, bathtub drains, etc, due to being primarily made of liquids, being a bunch of sludge parading around pretending to be a Bambi Minion.